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Nano Brows Aftercare

It is okay to get your brows wet while washing your face or showering.
Wash your face with a gentle facial cleanser (fragrance free) - no need to focus directly on your brows.

1x in the morning

1x at night

Do not wipe or rub your brows with anything abrasive.

After washing, apply a gentle lotion such as Crease or Cetaphil. 

1x in the morning

1x at night

If you have dry skin, apply your lotion as needed.

Recommended Cleansers

Gentle cleansers by the brands Cerave, Cetaphil, or Ponds are best. Avoid using cleansers that contain oils, charcoal, or acids. Avoid using bar soap and micellar cleansers.



∘⠀Increased sweating, exercise, strenuous activity

∘⠀No soaking or getting your brows/forehead wet outside of facial washing (saunas/jacuzzies/recreational water)

∘⠀No Direct Sunlight

∘⠀Tanning bed use at any point after having brows tattooed will result in discoloration and premature fading.

∘⠀Natural UVB/UVA rays pose risk of discoloration. When brows are done flaking, wearing an SPF will prevent discoloration and fading

∘⠀Do not pick at flaking or possible scabbing. This will pull the ink out permanently.

Wash hands prior to washing brows, and wash pillowcases to lower risk of infection.

∘⠀Avoid Retin-A, retinol, vitamin A, or oils on forehead.

∘⠀No non-gentle cleansers or makeup should be applied to the until they are done healing.

Always let estheticians know of any permanent makeup procedures before receiving peels, microneedling, microdermabrasion, or lasering services.

* These activities may be resumed once the brows are completely done flaking.

During & Post Healing
Continue to minimize sun exposure. Lasers on treated areas can cause the ink to discolor. Exfoliating and skin lightening products (chemical peels, alpha & beta hydroxy acids) promote ink loss, these products should be avoided on the treated area. Any form of topical Vitamin A should be avoided on the forehead altogether. Facial oils and natural skin oils on the forehead will result in blurred hair strokes over time.

What to Expect

∘⠀After treatment, it is normal to feel a sunburned sensation for a couple of davs followed by dry, itchy, or tender skin.

∘⠀Brows will appear darker and bolder a few days after the appointment. During healing, they will lighten and shrink.

∘⠀Healing process takes approximately 4-6 weeks. As your skin naturally exfoliates and regenerates, you will notice color change, disappear, and reappear as they settle.

∘⠀Color may flake off and appear softer and less visible but will slowly reappear over the next few weeks.

This is all absolutely normal and touch ups may be necessary.

Be patient and know that this is the part of the normal and expected healing process.

Signs and symptoms that indicate the need to seek medical care:

Excessive redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site.

If an adverse reaction or infection develops at the site of your tattoo, contact your personal physician for treatment and report to SNHD Special Programs at (702) 759-0677.

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